Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

Error pada database #1267 - Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='

pernahkan Anda menjumpai error seperti ini ketika anda memasukkan query : #1267 - Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '=' ?
error tersebut bisa anda hilangkan dengan cara:
  •  masuk ke database
  • pilih salah satu table
  • klik Structure
  • Klik Check All, kemudian klik edit (gambar pensil)
  • Pada Collation, ganti semua record dengan "latin_general_ci"

  • Kemudian tekan Save
  • Lakukan di semua record pada table-table di database Anda
  • Semoga bermanfaat

Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

apa aku salah jurusan ?

assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
disaat terjadi kekosongan, kengangguran dan kegalauan, biasanya aku minum baygon #eh, aku isi dengan menggambar sesuatu yang lagi lewat di imajinasi ku.
sekedar hobi, dari kecil emang suka gambar dan amat suka seni :)
dulu aku sempat memikirkan (baca:kepikiran), apa saya ini siswa salah jurusan yak ?
suka seni tapi kok masuk informatika -.-a
biarin aja deh, wong wis kelas 3, yo telat nyadar e -.-
langsung aja deh aku pamerin gambarnya :)

semua gambar yang diatas nih, cuma berbondo kardus bekas, kertas karton sama spidol

 abaikan gambar 2 dibawah ini -.-
jelek banget soalnya

sebenernya masi banyak sih gambarnya, tapi cukup ini deh, ntar naksir sama yg gambar *hubungannya apa -.-a

wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Senin, 21 November 2011

Bowling For Soup - When We Die

Well, I know that it's earlyAnd it's too hard to thinkAnd the broken empty bottlesAre reminder in the sink
But I thought that I should tell youIf it's not too late to sayI can put back all the piecesThey just might not fit the same
'Coz nothing's worth losingEspecially the chance to make it right
And I know that we're gonna be fineAnd the tattooed mistakesAre gonna fade over timeAs long as we live, time passes byAnd we won't get it back when we die
Well, I know it's been years nowAnd I don't look the sameAnd the hopes and dreams you had for meYou thought went down the drain
And the room feels so emptyWhere my pictures used to beAnd I can't say that I blame youBut you can't blame me
'Coz nothing's worth losingEspecially the chance to make it right
And I know that we're gonna be fineAnd the tattooed mistakesAre gonna fade over timeAs long as we live, time passes byAnd we won't get it back when we die
Come over, come over, 'coz I gotta knowIf I am doing this all on my ownCome over, come overHow can I show you if you're not here
And I know that we're gonna be fineAnd the tattooed mistakesAre gonna fade over timeAs long as we live, time passes byAnd we won't get it back when we die
And I know that we're gonna be fine(And I know that we're gonna be fine)And the tattooed mistakesAre gonna fade over timeAs long as we live, time passes byAnd we won't get it back when we die
Come over, come overCome over, come overCome over, come over(I gotta know)We won't get it back when we die(I know that it's early)